Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tschüss, Habsburgs!

Well, my time in Vienna is over. The month of July just flew by! Alllright, let's get real--these three months have flown by incredibly fast. I can't believe I'm going home in a week!

We had to study for our last final this week--the history of Austria. All of it. So much information. But the final is done, thank goodness! And I have a month entirely free of homework! :)

This is one of the last museums we went to. The WWII stuff was the most interesting to me.

The building was also really cool--there was a large ballroom, in which we had to dance, of course!

We also enjoyed being sailors.

We went to Prater twice this week--once at night and once during the day.

Vergnügunsbetrieb AKA "Fun"--German is awesome.

We rode these swings and got to see Vienna lit up at night.

Our entire study abroad group had lunch together. Here's Amina sculpting her food and toothpicks.

We also visited Vienna's Cemetery, which is MASSIVE! Over 3 million people are buried there. It's the second largest cemetery in Europe.

Also, many famous musicians are buried there!

Arnold Schoenberg's gravestone fits him perfectly, I think.

There was a really cool Art Nouveau church--the dome is beautiful! This was my favorite church in Vienna.

I'm so sad to leave! But I'm really excited to go back up to Germany for a week to visit family! I'll get to put all my German to good use, right? :)

I've started compiling a list of things I'm going to miss when I leave Germany/Austria:
1. German blankets. They're the best blankets ever.
2. Haribo, RitterSport, Milka, Kinder, Manner...basically all candies
3. Müsli (various types of granola that we'd eat with yogurt and fruit for breakfast almost every day)
4. Hearing German everywhere
5. Riding the Bahns
6. Döner Kebaps--mainly Mustafa's in Berlin
7. I'll probably eventually miss visiting museums :)
9. Seeing the members of our study abroad group every day
10. Speaking our crazy, messed-up Denglisch

I've also started compiling a list of things I'm really excited for when I come back to Amerika:
1. Free water. I'm tired of buying drinks! Also, I'm not a fan of Mineralwasser
2. Free restrooms
3. Light switches to be on the INSIDE of the bathroom. Really--who ever thought putting them on the outside of a room was a good idea? I can't tell you how many times we've teased someone by turning off the light while they're inside the bathroom!
4. Plugging things in without using a converter
5. Not being able to be locked in my house/apartment. Yes, this is entirely possible in Europe.
6. A showerhead that I don't have to hold with my hand while I shower
7. A car
8. Mexican food. 
9. No more suitcases! (well, until I head back to Provo)

I've also started compiling a list of things Colter will miss.
1. Almdudler

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