Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fall asleep sweaty, wake up sweatier.

Alright, here’s an update on Vienna, now that I’ve been here for a week. It’s growing on me! I really do still miss Berlin, but I’m enjoying my time in Vienna, that’s for sure.

The Rathaus:

 Parliament Building:

This is where Hitler stood and annexed Austria:


Part of the old Jewish Ghetto:

Apparently, this bar has no name:

And this one is called Kitsch! haha

I found this book in a bookstore. It would have been really helpful to have this book back when I took German 330 and wrote a paper on a work by Hildegard von Bingen! Oh well...
Vienna’s much smaller than Berlin, which is kind of nice. It’s still a big city, but not nearly as big as Berlin. I’ve decided that I live in the perfect location. District 9 (Bread district of Panem) is quite the central location!

It’s hotter and more humid here. You go to bed sweaty, and you wake up even sweatier. Thus goes life. Over here in Europe, we don’t believe in AC.

Our host took me and Becca to an Operetta called Das Land des Lächelns (The Land of Smiles). It was quite interesting…we had a lot of fun, though!

The main character had a choice between 2 men.

Choice #1: a handsome and respectful man who has a steady job and can support you. Also, he’s not too shabby looking.
Choice #2: a creepy Chinese version of Severus Snape who has to marry 4 other women. But don’t worry, he’ll love you the most.

Look at your life, look at your choices. Guess who she picked. Yep, Chinese Snape. But don’t worry, Choice #1 follows her to China because he loves her so much. He helps her escape, but then he kind of has this thing with Chinese Snape’s sister (who was my favorite character). But alas, they can’t be together. So Choice #1 and Silly Main Character end up together. Moral of the story: Don’t try something new or exotic. You won’t like it. Haha :) Nur Spaß, nur Spaß!

We visited a Monastery in Melk! (Not “milk.” Nor “malk”). It was pretty neat! Our tour guide was great. And the rooms were all different colors!

Also, my name is everywhere!!

Baroque art and architecture. AKA: “LET’S GO CRAZY!” It’s so over the top. But I learned some of their secrets! It LOOKS like there’s lots of gold everywhere, but it’s really just woodcarvings with gold plaiting. Still impressive, I know. The marble everywhere? Not real marble most of the time. The dome you see on the ceiling? Fake. No, really! It’s an optical illusion. It made the ceiling look much higher than it really is. Quite amazing, really.

The view of Melk from the Monastery:

Also, this is Lisa! We’re in the same major, and we’ve had a few classes together! She’s in the other BYU study abroad group—they’re in Vienna for the Summer Term. Isn’t she just darling?!

Then, we did a bike ride from Melk to Krems. Approximately 33 km (20 miles). Through cute little towns! It was absolutely picturesque. Just like the whole country of Austria!

Romeo and Juliet:

Damsel in distress and the troll under the bridge:

TRINKWASSER! Mostly, I enjoy how there’s an exclamation point on this sign. It conveys our feelings perfectly whenever we find Trinkwasser!

Just chasing pigeons through Vienna:

And touching some butts:

And looking cute:

We tried going to this little carnival/fair thing going on. But as soon as we got there, it started raining pretty steadily. So we just danced in the rain a while and then vowed to come back another night.

If you're wondering who that man is, it's actually Colter! Yes, he got a haircut! :)

We’ve been swimming a few times in the Danube (Donau). Gorgeous! Warning: The water isn’t as clean as it looks. But we swim in it anyway.

Stephansdom! Gothic architecture. High ceilings, pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, tall, stained glass windows.

“Einbahn” (one-way street) altered to “Keinbahn” (no street).

Okay, after I gave you a little crash course in architecture, what type is this?!

Yep, LET’S GO CRAZY! Otherwise known as Baroque.

Also, doesn’t anyone else thing that these pillars came straight out of a Dr. Seuss book?! Or maybe Hundertwasser was here? Haha :)

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