Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Vacation while on Vacation

So this week has been incredibly busy and exciting. We went to a gallery and saw lots of Renaissance and Baroque paintings. For our Art and Architecture class, we have to draw a lot of artifacts (paintings, buildings, monuments, statues, etc), and I think it's really silly to re-draw a Rembrandt or other paintings, but maybe it'll turn out better than the original...? :)

Here's me and Keaton:

This is the building right across the street from the gallery. It was such a beautiful day!!
We had a holiday on Thursday, so we skipped our class at the Goethe Institute on Friday and took a long weekend trip down to Coburg, Bayern, and Rothenburg o.d.T.

This is Coburg:

It was SO beautiful, we couldn't contain our excitement and just had to freak out. Also, we were on vacation...ON vacation:

We went to a fortress in Coburg, and this was the view:

Aw, we're so cute!

Enjoyable moment: running through this field and lying in the grass and soaking up the sun :)

Bamberg: one of my favorite cities! Colter enjoying his roasted macadamia nuts, which are incredibly delicious!

On the bridge in Bamberg:

The Bamberger Dom--one of my favorite buildings thus far in Germany:

Becca and Colter in one of the many churches that we stumbled upon. We're really good now at distinguishing between different styles of architecture :)

A typical street in Germany:

Germany's so picturesque!

Me and Becca in picturesque Bayern:

We walked past an area set up for a wedding reception! So beauitful:

Becca: "Take an artsy picture of me!"

More Coburg:

And Coburg at night:
I really loved Coburg. We went to church there, and the branch was fantastic! I really felt loved by all the members, even though they didn't know me! I've decided that I could live there. I've also decided that I love talking with German children because I'm at the same level of German as they are. Well, mostly ;) We played Taboo at a branch activity, and that was so hard to do in German, but really helpful with vocabulary. I learned words for hibernation, pit stop, and a few others. After church on Sunday, there was a ward potluck--the most delicious potluck I've ever had. It was all traditional German food. Goulaschsuppe, Knoedel, Frikadellen, and lots of German desserts. I ate the most delicious Strawberry Torte der ganzen Welt! It was saddening to leave Bayern, but it was also exciting to come back home. Especially when your home is in BERLIN!

Today, we did a lot of sightseeing for our class. In St. Hedwig's Church:

It was 85 degrees today, so I broke out the sunglasses. (The only reason I haven't broken them out before is because I always forget to bring them with me. But not today)!

Me and Colterchen outside of the Konzerthalle:

Französischer Dom, looking up:

Anna, hanging on for dear life at the top of the Französischer Dom:

And we're back to the Brandenburger Tor--the central magnet of Berlin :)


  1. Wow- you look like you are having such an incredible experience!!! Logan sat right here on my lap so he could see K'nana. He did ask where the swimming pool is? I'm thinking he thinks you should be here swimming??? We miss you!

  2. Aww I miss you guys! Germany really is fantastic. And I did actually go swimming yesterday! Tell Logan he is more than welcome to join me here in Germany :)
