Friday, April 27, 2012

goodbye, camry

18 hours until I leave for the airport!! I still have trouble comprehending the fact that by this time tomorrow, I'll be in Berlin! And I'll be in Europe for 3 months. I won't be back home until August!

And by the time I come back in August, my first car (well, my parents', but the first car I ever had the pleasure of driving), will be gone. Retired. After 20 years. It's been through a lot:

Now, contain your jealousy. It's a looker. (Maybe for different reasons, but still)! Goodbye, ghetto-multi-colored-and-über-quirky-yet-reliable camry! You will be missed greatly.

As for packing, I'm pretty much finished...pretty much ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2012 I can pack?

Well, the time has come to do two of things I detest: unpacking and packing. This is what my room looks like during this process: 

A disaster zone. Disclaimer: my room only looks like this right after I come back from Utah. So I have a very specific pathway to my bed and closet and that's about it...

So that's my task for the next 2 days. Wooh!

This morning, I went to get my hair cut shorter for while I'm in Europe and decided to do locks of love!

 Now I feel like I'm bald! But I really like it--and my thick hair did give the hair dresser a good bicep/tricep workout. :) And it was a free haircut!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U-Bahn, S-Bahn, Everybody-Bahn!

So I e-mailed my host mom today about when I'll be arriving at her house on Sunday. In order to determine that, I had to research the U-Bahn/S-Bahn (subway/train) system in Berlin:

By the end of June, I should have this memorized. Well, at least the stops that I'll be using frequently. I hope. :)

Tomorrow, I'm going shopping for some things that I need to get before I go. I'm not a fan of shopping, but I have to do it!

I'm still living out of my suitcase from arriving around 2 AM on Saturday morning, staying at my grandparents' house, and then just today, moving back to my house. Though I'll only be kind of unpacking as I repack for Berlin. Thankfully, I'll get to unpack for real while I live in Germany! Because I don't enjoy living out of a suitcase...

But I do enjoy spending time with friends! And since none of my friends from high school are finished their semesters this early, I spend time with my little toddler friends!
They're just the cutest! :)

And I'm going to see two more of my little toddler friends tomorrow! (After I force myself to do some shopping). 

Ich freue mich schon Berlin (und Wien) kennenzulernen!

Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm really going!

At church yesterday (and at Rustin today), I kept getting asked when I was leaving for Germany, to which I responded with, "...Saturday. I'm leaving on Saturday." It doesn't seem real! I can't seem to quite grasp the idea of being in Europe until August. Just to think, "Oh, on Monday I need to stop by the Goethe Institute and take my oral exam. Then I'll swing by my professor's apartment and then go to institute--ALL IN BERLIN!" No big deal or anything, right?

I'm so glad to have this opportunity to go to Germany and study--I'm so blessed! Ich kann es kaum erwarten!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

ich bin (fast) Berliner! :)

In two weeks, I'll be in Berlin! That's so crazy to think about! This school year has flown by--I can't believe I'll be starting my junior year in the fall.

So in Berlin, I'll be attending the Goethe Institute and taking some classes as well as traveling around Germany and Europe (tulip festival in Holland, what?!).

I'll be living with a host family with a friend from my BYU group--Becca! (I figured I should mention her now).

And then 2 months after being in Berlin, we'll go to Vienna! (I'll have to run and sing through Salzburg like Julie Andrews).

Can you believe that I'm getting 13 credits to travel around Europe?!--because I can't!

So the purpose of this blog is to make you jealous of my adventures. Okay, not really, but caution: that may be a side effect ;)

Brace yourselves for lots of pictures and typos when I use a German keyboard.

Ich bin begeistert, ein schönes Land zu besuchen!

Bis bald!